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Success: "World" Workshop

I’m not quite sure how to write this blog post… I could say many things about the event. I could talk about how it was our third workshop, that we had over 20 students, or I could spend time recapping the lessons, the fun games we played, how I didn’t hit anyone in the head with candy this time. I could point ya’ll toward the workshop’s brand new photo gallery or discuss how long it took to get all of the glitter out of my hair.

All of that was important (okay, most of it was), but right now, the “stats” seem to fall short. None of them display the wonder of the workshop. The relationships we formed. The stories we wrote. The truth we discovered. Together.

It would be impossible to say what the best part of this workshop really was. For each person it would be something a little different, but here are 5 reasons why I loved the workshop… and why I can’t wait for next time.

1. The People

Whether its staff members or teens, returning students or new, every person at Sharp Pens contributes to creating a safe, vibrant, and friendly environment. On Friday and Saturday, teens arrived—some had been to all the workshops, others had never been to any writing workshops. As soon as they stepped foot on campus, every student entered into a new world—a place where they could find other people who shared the same faith, passion, and love of story. It was a safe place to share your talents and dreams because other people cared about you… and your writing. By the end of the workshop, friendships were forged that will continue off campus and in our everyday lives.

2. The Games

I love games… and at this workshop, we had some really fun games. We raced boats (a.k.a. carpet squares) across a raging river, haggled for dessert rations, created whole new “worlds” off of a single picture, wrote stories about famous characters being shoved into a dangerous new setting (Romeo and Juliet in the Old West?), and fought to seize “The Pencil” first. Not only were these games fun they helped “break the ice”, reinforce writing lessons, and build confidence.

3. The Quotes

Writers say some weird and profound things, and our group is no exception. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the weekend…

“I know, and it’s sad, because we’re not going to war, are we?” ~Jackson

"Guys, their only allies are our enemies." ~ Marina

"Sometimes a hard choice is simply a hard choice… even if it doesn’t change the world as we know it." ~Jamie

"It's a river... of lava." ~Breanna

“Do you guys mind if I take the boat?” ~Trevor

"Life is not about writing. Writing is about life... So get a life." ~Jamie

"We can just use almonds for currency; so you can trade them whenever you want." ~Jackson

4. The Lessons

It may be obvious to say… but the point of the workshop is to learn. We have hours of lecture and hours more of practical application (otherwise known as our super, fun games). What may be less obvious is how much the staff members learn. At each workshop, I discover something new (usually, more than one something). Before this last workshop, I was challenged by our sessions about worldview, truth, and meaning. The lesson-writing process forced me to sort through facts and opinion in order to find out what God says is truth. I came out of the experience stronger, ready to teach, and eager to return to my own writing.

5. The Foundations

You can find writing clubs, conferences and workshops scattered across the country. What sets Sharp Pens apart from many of these is our Christian foundation. Because we are brothers and sisters in Christ, we are able to encourage each other to stand strong in the faith, to live for God, and to write the truth. God has given us talents, ability, and story for a reason. In Colossians 3:17 the Word says, “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

So... there are my 5 “favs”. I left the workshop campus filled with hope, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for Sharp Pens next time.

Did you attend Sharp Pens’ last workshop? Tell us about your experience; We’d love to hear from you!

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