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We want to learn about your story's world. So if you have any cool world maps, pictures of your characters or other fun "behind the scenes" stuff you want to show off, we invite you to be a part of a special display we're calling "The Portal". Here’s how it’s going to work.

All registered attendees will be given the opportunity to sign up for The Portal. If you sign up, you will be allotted a 2x3 foot table-top space at the workshop where you can set up a display about your story. Your display can be as simple or as complex as you like. You could bring a diorama of a scene from your book, Lego models of important buildings in your story, or a tri-fold board decorated with maps, pictures of your characters, or the flags of your fictitious countries.

...But those are just a few ideas. Opportunity abounds. 

Your goal is simply to have fun building a display that will help others- students, parents, Sharp Pens’ staff members - discover your story world.

The only rules?

  • Stay inside your 2x3 space (Their isn’t really a height limit…)

  • Keep things appropriate (nothing obscene or gruesome)

  • And, of course, have lots of fun!

We will be setting up our displays within the workshop building on Friday at 6:00pm. After the workshop ends the next day, students will be responsible for taking down their own displays.

We are really excited about this unique opportunity and can’t wait to see what you come up with. Here are a few pictures to give you some ideas…


welcome to



Character Sketch

Character Sketch

Portal Set Up

Portal Set Up

Setting Up the Portal

Setting Up the Portal

A Map of Neverland

A Map of Neverland

Portal Set Up 2

Portal Set Up 2

Civil War

Civil War

Queen Arleigh

Queen Arleigh

Story World Tri-fold

Story World Tri-fold

Story Illustration

Story Illustration



Enter Your Display into the Portal.

It's Free and Easy!

To participate, you must be registered for Sharp Pens' upcoming workshop.

Please Note:

Some of the examples below are a little... involved. Don't feel intimidated. Look at these pictures as ideas, not expectations. As I said before, your display can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. The purpose of The Portal is not to judge artistic "prowess" or to give you another forced chore. Instead, it is meant to be a fun way to approach your novel--to get away from paper, ink pens and bright computer screens and to rediscover your story world... Maybe you'll see it like never before.

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