Here's how to register for a Sharp Pens Workshop:
At the bottom of this page, click on the "CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION" button.
Complete the registration form and click on REGISTER.
A new page will open explaining the next step. If you are registering another student in the same family, click on REGISTER A SIBLING and you will be directed back to the REGISTRATION FORM. When you have registered all the students in your family who wish to attend, proceed to Recon Ministries Store by clicking on the PROCEED TO PAYMENTS button.
This Sharp Pens event has a TWO DAY and SATURDAY ONLY option. Select the correct Student Admission Ticket for the first student and then a Sibling Admission Ticket for each additional student in the same immediate family. Each ticket will be added to your cart and you can pay for them all at once. Click on the "Add note to Seller" tab in your cart and list the names of the student(s) you are registering.
We currently accept PayPal. If you prefer not to pay online, you may choose to make an OFFLINE payment and mail a check or money order to Recon Ministries.
We will email your Student Welcome Packet within 48 hours of your payment being received.
Please read through the WELCOME PACKET carefully as it contains important information about the workshop and the review night, including the location of the events and details of the writing contest.
INVITE your friends and then JOIN US for a fun-filled writing experience!